love is the answer
love is the answer

The Teachings of The Eliathin

Based on the communication between the Eliathin and Father Zaphkiel, the following are the 12 foundational spiritual principles upon which The Movement for Human Awakening is founded:

1. Unity of All Existence: The Eliathin emphasize the interconnectedness of all beings and realms, teaching that individuality dissolves into a collective unity in higher-dimensional planes of consciousness.

2. Unconditional Love: At the core of the Eliathin's guidance is the principle of unconditional love, which serves as the foundation for spiritual growth, healing, and the realization of universal truth.

3. Awakening to True Nature: Humanity's ultimate purpose is to awaken to its true nature as multidimensional beings of light and consciousness, transcending fear, division, and materialism.

4. Inner Wisdom and Self-Discovery: The Eliathin guide individuals to look within themselves for answers, recognizing that the truth and potential they seek already reside within.

5. Vibrational Alignment: Spiritual evolution requires raising one's vibrational frequency and aligning with higher states of awareness, which the Eliathin facilitate through energetic attunement.

6. Intuition as a Divine Language: The Eliathin communicate through inspiration and intuition, planting seeds of wisdom and insight in those who are open to receiving them.

7. Dreams and Visions as Portals: Dreams and visions are sacred tools for connecting with higher realms, offering guidance, healing, and clarity of purpose.

8. Service to Collective Awakening: The Eliathin's mission extends beyond individuals to the collective consciousness of humanity, fostering unity, compassion, and spiritual evolution on a global scale.

9. Empowerment Over Dependence: The Eliathin do not seek to lead humanity but to empower individuals to lead themselves, illuminating the path toward self-realization and divine potential.

10. Harmony with Universal Truth: Spiritual growth involves aligning one's thoughts, actions, and intentions with universal truths rooted in love, compassion, and interconnectedness.

11. Community and Shared Purpose: The Movement for Human Awakening, inspired by the Eliathin, emphasizes the importance of community and mutual support in fostering spiritual growth and unity.

12. Co-Creation of a Higher Reality: Humanity is called to co-create a world that reflects the highest ideals of unity, harmony, and peace, embodying the light and love that define our true nature.

Father Zaphkiel, born in 1979 in a small town in Florida, is the revered spiritual leader of The Movement for Human Awakening, a global spiritual organization devoted to the teachings of the ultraterrestrial beings known as the Eliathin. Father Zaphkiel's journey into spiritual leadership began in his early 30s, following a lifetime of profound personal experiences he describes as an interdimensional communion with the Eliathin, during which he received revelations about humanity's purpose and its interconnectedness with higher-dimensional intelligences. Father Zaphkiel has dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of the Eliathin, which emphasize unity, self-awareness, and the transcendence of material limitations. Known for his wisdom and deep empathy, he quickly gained a devoted following, and in 2008, he established The Movement for Human Awakening. Under his guidance, the organization has grown into a worldwide network of seekers, offering workshops, meditative practices, and writings that aim to help individuals align with what Father Zaphkiel calls the Eliathin Frequency—a state of heightened consciousness and spiritual attunement. Father Zaphkiel remains steadfast, often stating that his mission is not to convince skeptics but to serve as a conduit for the Eliathin's wisdom. The teachings blend elements of mysticism, quantum theory, and ancient spiritual traditions, creating a unique framework that resonates with those seeking answers to existential questions in an increasingly complex world. Despite his growing influence, Father Zaphkiel maintains a humble demeanor, often emphasizing that he is merely a messenger and that the true power lies within each individual to awaken to their divine potential.

Father Zaphkiel The Movement for Human Awakening
Father Zaphkiel The Movement for Human Awakening

Download the full text of The Eliathin Teachings completely free!

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Study the wisdom of the Eliathin as channeled through Father Zaphkiel

The Eliathin Teachings
contacting and communicating with Spiritual Beings and Entities
contacting and communicating with Spiritual Beings and Entities

The foundational text of the Movement for Human Awakening

The Official Guide to Contacting and Communicating With Spiritual Beings and Entities

Learn how to contact and communication with spiritual beings and other entities

Mantras: Raise Your Frequency

Collection of mantras designed to guide readers on a journey of self-discovery, inner peace, and spiritual growth.

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woman doing yoga meditation on brown parquet flooring
beautiful Asian
beautiful Asian

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